> But would that really work in this case? China is the number 2 mentioned country and while I don't have any demographic information, I find it hard to believe that there would be that many Chinese on HN.
I follow you up to this point (although I don't necessarily agree)
> Well, not just any Chinese, but Chinese nationalists
Why would you have to be a nationalist to post about China? In fact, you could submit a "China is bad" post. Everything after this point seems to miss my point completely.
Also, a sister comment didn't read the part of the submission where it stated that "This only counts news stories posted, not comments."
> Why would you have to be a nationalist to post about China?
Because the guy I replied to said: "Surely, you're more likely to submit a post about your home country"
I'm an American but my grandparents are from Ireland. I personally feel no connection to Ireland nor do I have any idea what's going on over there. It's any other country as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't post news about the country to HN. However, if I did, I would be a Irish Nationalist. Feeling any sort of loyalty to a country (whatever the reason or justification) is nationalism. It's literally the definition of the word.
> "This only counts news stories posted, not comments."
I'm not sure that distinction matters for my comment. It may for the study, but my comment was a bit of a tangent anyways.
I follow you up to this point (although I don't necessarily agree)
> Well, not just any Chinese, but Chinese nationalists
Why would you have to be a nationalist to post about China? In fact, you could submit a "China is bad" post. Everything after this point seems to miss my point completely.
Also, a sister comment didn't read the part of the submission where it stated that "This only counts news stories posted, not comments."