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Thanks for jumping in to the thread. I'd really like GitLab to succeed simply because I like the results of healthy competition. So can I name a couple of things that are standing in its way?

1. gitlab.com site search is effectively down. A simple keyword search, e.g. for 'omniauth' takes 45 seconds:


I periodically find other site links which are surprisingly slow, like this one.

2. I'd really like to add GitLab oauth2 as a first-class citizen for people to sign in to my apps( e.g. http://nonstop.qa/users/sign_in ), along with GitHub and Google. Adding those two were easy, but I haven't found a working, maintained Ruby omniauth GitLab adapter.

Thanks, and good luck!

1. Our Elastic Search import is scheduled to be complete on Thursday. This should be a dramatic improvement http://i.imgur.com/HRawCIC.png

2. GitLab is an OAuth 2.0 provider, for the docs see http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/integration/oauth_provider.html I see that there is https://github.com/linchus/omniauth-gitlab updated 5 months ago, did you try that one?


And yep, I've tried that OAuth provider. This is me, raising an issue about it not working: https://github.com/linchus/omniauth-gitlab/issues/10

Thanks for opening that issue, I see the maintainer responded within a hour so I hope it will work soon. I offered our help in https://github.com/linchus/omniauth-gitlab/issues/10#issueco...

Isn't the Elasticsearch feature just for EE? Or are you planning to release it for CE too? I just upgraded to 8.4.4 and didn't see any of it (not that I look so well).

The elasticsearch feature is EE only, it was released in 8.4 https://about.gitlab.com/2016/01/22/gitlab-8-4-released/

Hi, I'm planning on migrating away from stash to most likely gitlab in the next few weeks. One thing that keeps coming back among my team is where is the real search power. I followed the work your team did with EE and Elastic and was curious if you will plan to back port it into CE?

all i read is that it's EE, but will it be brought to CE is the bigger question, and how does that fall into your current roadmap for upcoming releases in CE?


Follow up, do you plan on adding any code intelligence to your EE search, such as being done by the team at sourcegraph.com?

The way I see it is like this... github, sourcegraph & gogs all are missing the ability to categorize repositories in groups. This is a must when you have a lot of repos, thanks for including it.

gogs = super fast, minimalistic but solid. github = $$$$$$ stash/bitbucket = nickel and diming over features & $$$$ sourcegraph = not mature enough, missing code intelligence for majority of the languages we use gitlab ce = great feature set, bad search and some performance struggles (that i see you are addressing)

in the end, we are likely to go with your product, but the search in CE almost hurts my feelings to use. (me: search for "test" in all repos: 0 results. search for "test" in specific repo: 1 result. me: scratch my head)

all in all, really excited to kick stash out and give my team a deeper feature set to play with.

Thanks for taking the time to come here, I'm late to the party.

We currently have no plans to merge the elastic search support into CE. Regarding the categorization we're planning to implement nested groups https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/2772

The code management analytics we're planning to build are detailed in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/112 I think this is quite different from sourcegraph

Your search in CE looks like a bug to me. It would be great if you can reproduce this on GitLab.com and open an issue for it.

I'm at Sourcegraph. We have code intelligence for more languages coming soon and have improved performance, etc., by quite a bit lately. Email me for more info (we're waiting a bit longer to announce the improvements publicly).

Can you elaborate on nickle and diming over features? Most of the required features are built-in for Stash/Bitbucket Server. Code Search is on the roadmap and we are actively working on it.

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