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> 2) crying does not fix things in real life

Of course, but just to be clear : crying is an essential mechanism to recognize, manage and cope with emotions. Children should be allowed to cry.

Of course. Crying helps. Hell, I cry plenty of times when watching sappy movies.

But while crying helps, it doesn't solve.

At least not outside your immediate social circle. And even inside, only in passing as a request for help and support. Eventually you have to do something, or decide you don't care enough to solve the problem.

Children (maybe people in general?) should learn that doing is better than crying. In the case of Diablo, parents might do better to ask "So what are you going to do now? How are you rebuilding your character? Can you do it faster now that you have experience?" than to say "Oh you poor baby, that bully was super mean to you!"

One is empowering. The other is victimizing. Important difference.

Exactly. Have you seen "Inside out" the animated movie ? I thought it depicted the need to consider emotions and how they fit in the bigger picture quite well. I would recommend it for children and adults.

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