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5 Life Changing Habits (mysuperchargedlife.com)
5 points by oscardelben on Feb 3, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

"wake up early" and " In the morning you are fresh and you can work without distractions, usually accomplishing 2-3 times more work than in the evening"

Some people are morning people some people aren't.

I am not a morning person - left to my own devices I will sleep late and stay up late. I find the quiet of evenings and night productive.

However I have been waking up early since the birth of my first child 8 years ago. For years I got up between 6 and 7am - children need taking to school and all that. After all these years I still struggle with the mornings - its 11am at least before I am "all systems go" and I still find I am at my peak later in the day.

So is this universal advice for everyone? No - of course not and I am not presenting it as such. Odd that the author of the article believes that their experience is universal and that the world will be a better place if everyone does things their way.

Nice points indeed, but in my humble opinion unfortunally only theoretically realisable as most of the day is spend to work for somebody else or somebody else needs. E.g. if you have a child and a full time job there is actually no room for one hour per day spent on a hobby. I wake up at 5:30 and get to work at 7:00 and until 7:00 I prepare my childs and my day and read a little news while coffeeing. I work until 6:00 (at least) and when I'm home theres I child and wife waiting for me. My day ends up at around 10 or 11. I try to eat and life healthy and try to dont rush but I can't do it by force without risking job or childs health. I'm glad that I can read a book while getting to work and have one hour at the weekend but mostly I dream to realise such rules and habits.

Don't give up. I use my lunch break to work on a project. I understand not everyone has the same amount of time available, but at least you can do something in the weekend.

What you want to do is up to you of course, but what it's important is that even 2 hours are 100 hours in a year, not much, but at least it's something.

Thats right of course and even Rome wasn’t built in a day. And to be honest, I like my day there is a mixture of routine and unexpected and I think its just this what matters most, that you feel well with that.

"The Pareto rule states that 20% of your efforts produce 80% of your results. This is true in all areas of life, so always apply the Pareto rule when possible."

The Pareto Principle is an observation that applies in many areas of life, but certainly not all. It's not a universal constant.

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