It is so hard for me to imagine that socializing with hardened criminals (and being subject to violence at their hands) could be better for me psychologically than being alone. In some ways, that makes solitary even more scary to know that this is true.
Both your statement and your parent's are probably true. Extended forced isolation is incredibly psychologically damaging. Likely more so than being forced to interact only with "hardened criminals".
I'm confused. "It's not true" -- you seem to be saying that solitary confinement is better/safer than normal prison life. But then you say that people in prison are not so bad.
I don't think that people in prison are "inhuman", but I do think that they are "hard" in a way that would be extremely difficult for me as a very sensitive person. I think they'd have to be to get by in an environment like that. For example I can't watch Orange is the New Black -- it stresses me out.
Solitary confinement is not 'not having a cellmate'. Solitary confinement is being locked in a tiny concrete cell, with no bars, no windows, and no chance to speak with another human being. Indefinitely.
Yeah, I've thought the exact same thing before. Depending on the length of the sentence I'd probably do everything I could to get solitary vs. risk injury/rape/death with a general population.
I'm pretty good at being alone with myself for extended periods, so that seems the safer bet.
I'd agree with you. I'm on the introvert side of the spectrum where dealing personally with people is tiring and nothing is more refreshing than some quiet alone time. Given insane levels of prison over crowding, I could see myself being "that guy" who gets all stressed out by the noise and crowding and intentionally gets caught stealing food in the cafeteria just to get a vacation in solitary so I can relax, chill, and get my head on straight.