I disagree, in this case. This website is from the creator of JavaScript, about a product that is meant to solve, in his words:
But the Web today faces a primal threat.
And that threat is the web's ad-driven monetization.
This site suffers from the same fundamental problem; the owners of it don't care too much about it. It has 114 requests , 3.8MB of content and takes 4 seconds to load.
I can't imagine Eich had anything to do with this site or even approved it. I'm guessing he is focused on the company's core product and let Marketing or someone else take care of the site. They then hired the cheapest design firm they could find on Elance, who then outsourced the work to an even cheaper freelancer who took the requirements and plugged together a dozen different jQuery plugins that he/she uses on every project and shipped it as quickly as possible. Because in that business you don't make any money if you spend any more than the absolute minimum amount of time on a project.
I mean, they didn't even concat any of their javascript or css. This is web development from the mid-2000s. It truly saddens me that a company with a noble vision couldn't afford to hire a single web developer who is up on modern practices and has good judgment on quality to put this together; would have taken then a week, tops.