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your program doesn't allocate memory, so it is unrelated to memory allocation. You instead are taking the address of a function in memory (memcpy); and then printing out the function. This isn't a leak in any way since your program has to be able to reach memcpy and call it.

So, no, you aren't printing out bits of files. You're printing out functions that your program has the ability to call.

Well, they are files. Runtime libraries.

He's starting somewhere in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib (where memcpy lives) and printing the rest of the executable code his program has mapped in.

It doesn't surprise me that some of this contains public keys and certificates. They are probably used by some OSX networking library.

Yeah I'm thinking you're right, if I set the environment variable DYLD_SHARED_REGION=avoid, it only prints out about 300kb ofstuff.

3gb of them? Really? That would be the largest runtime library I have ever heard of, forget any other libc in existence.

I'm getting ~300m out. I suspect the author made a power-of-10 mistake in reading the output of ls.

I can grep for -----BEGIN and find a few public keys and certificates, I doubt they're part of the program (but they might be, as I said I don't really know) http://i.imgur.com/IXgkWNu.png

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