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Nifty idea, but really lacking 2 obvious features

1) Make a dark version. Who codes on white?

2) Remap H J K L to arrow keys

The mad man behind aprilzero.com uses a non-monospace font on a light background last time I checked. What an animal.

Also skin it to look like an editor, and then have the user go full screen, because who codes in a browser window?

I manage my blog (uses Jekyll) in Cloud9, one of those web-IDEs with a VPS backend, and it's great. You can get access to your own dev-box from any browser.

I code in default themed chrome if I'm just making a simple webpage! Dev tools has become really capable, but that's hardly programming ;)

Agreed... though you can do a few simple inspector edits that let you change the background and link colors to make it appear the way you want it.

http://codereddit.net/ uses a dark theme.

for 2), Firefox + Keysnail works great for me. Awesome keybindings everywhere.

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