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    $ (1..10) |> Enum.map(&(&1**&1)) |> Enum.filter(&(&1 < 40))
This is the equivalent of this piping op done in terse style JS:

    [for (i of Array(10).keys()) ++i].map(e=> e*e ).filter(e=> e<40 )
This is not as concise as the example you provided but it's still very neat and powerful.

Are list comprehensions still part of ES7? It's strange that Babel removed the list comprehension transformer recently, but I haven't been following closely.

The Elixir pipe syntax is reminiscent of Clojure's ->/->>:

  (->> (range 1 10)
       (map #(* % %))
       (filter (partial > 40)))
It's nice that in languages like Haskell or ML this is trivial:

  infix |> 
  fun (a |> b) = a b
You could modify this to let NONE fall through, etc.

Wouldn't it be "fun (a |> b) = b a"? (call b on result of argument a)?

Oops, that's right.

Last time I checked no, but it's been supported in FF for quite some time now.

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