Hey guys,
it's my first post here, but I've been reading for a couple of months.
And right now I am ready to share some stuff I made. Please feel free to ask, criticize or suggest alternatives :)
A couple of months ago someone here (don't have the link anymore) inspired me to finally sit down and implement a delaunay-triangulation and voronoi from scratch.
What the python-script does is:
- take an image, extract points dependent on the contrast and color difference of the image (more points on edges or in contrast-rich parts).
- triangulate the points with a delaunay-triangulation (from scratch).
- transform the delaunay-triangles into voronoi-regions.
- render the triangles and voronoi-regions into new images with the average color for each polygon (from the original image).
The delaunay-triangulation runs in Omega(n logn) but I'm not 100% sure if also in O(n logn).
The transformation into voronoi-regions runs in O(n).
Please tell me what you think :)
Best regards
The only thing to do is now to specify the filename in main().
After that you should be good to go. I will work on that later, to make it more user-friendly :)