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Why not let "our less fortunate brothers" decided what they want. If they don't want free internet, then its their choice. How insane is it to let the TRAI regulate the internet! Do you not see the internet is the only real means of liberating people? And you want a group of elite people to control this! What happens to the "these airwaves belong to us" argument when the government bans anti-govt web sites or porn websites or any other websites that the current elite don't agree with? Down with intelligentsia!

'Why not let the customer choose' can also be a generic argument against almost any kind of regulation. Why not have less strict regulations for food safety, or airlines, so various competitors can offer differing levels of safety - and if it matters enpugh to people, they'll choose the (more expensive) options with more safety. Is that freedom or is it capitalist anarchy?

I would argue (as many do) that government regulations have a place in enforcing basic guarantees of safety and fairness. And net neutrality strikes me as very important to guarantee fairness, both in terms of freedom of speech and a level playing field for innovation.

"Why not let [the customer] choose" is an argument that can be made of any net neutrality debate.

Should there be fast-lanes in the US?

TWC: We'll offer plans with and without fast-lanes and let the customers choose!

Either the internet is the internet or it's not. Facebook wants to bring Facebook to rural villages? Fine, but they have to bring the whole internet with them.

"Should there be fast-lanes in the US?"

Yes. Why not? Just like should there be expensive doctors, restaurants, entertainment, etc.? Obviously yes.

"Either the internet is the internet or it's not. Facebook wants to bring Facebook to rural villages? Fine, but they have to bring the whole internet with them."

My point is let the people in the rural villages decided wether they want Facebook internet or other forms of internet. Please don't decide on their behalf. It is very patronizing and antithetical to progess.

Anarchic markets/networks don't always give the best results. The regulators have an important role to play in designing a network that gives the best results to all players. Net neutrality is a good set of principles for creating a network that gives the best results for the people on the network. It's good for networks in the US and it's good for networks in India.

> Should there be fast-lanes in the US?

You mean like a company paying an ISP to place a server rack there and then reselling that server space branded as a Content Delivery Network to media companies who want their end consumers to have smoother experience (while the non-paying competition is stuck with "loading..." indicators)?

Nah, will never happen.

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