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> You lose the legacy source control history which is (arguably) more valuable than the current source because it can be used to research solutions to old problems.

No reason for that. Both projects—the wrapper and the new core—can branch off the original. Create a commit that removes one half of the files on one side, and the other half of the files on the other, and make each new commit "master" of its repo, and now you've got two projects with one ancestor. Project mitosis.

> You split the community

How so? I'm presuming a scenario here where either 1. you were the sole maintainer for the old code, and it's become such a Big Ball of Mud that nothing's getting done; or 2. the maintainer of the old code is someone else who is really, really bad at their job, and you're "forking to replace" with community buy-in (OpenSSL, Node.js leading to the io.js fork, gcc circa 1997 with the egcs fork, MySQL leading to MariaDB, etc.).

In both scenarios, development of the old code has already basically slowed to a halt. There is no active community contributing to it; or if there is, it is with great disgust and trepidation, mostly just engineers at large companies that have to fix upstream bugs to get their own code working (i.e. "I'm doing it because they pay me.") There are a lot of privately-maintained forks internal to companies, too, sharing around patches the upstream just won't accept for some reason. The ecosystem around the project is unhealthy†.

When you release the new legacy wrapper, it replaces the old library—the legacy wrapper is now the only supported "release" of the old library. It's there as a stopgap for Enterprise Clients with effectively-dead projects which have ossified around the old library's ABI, so these projects can continue to be kept current with security updates et al. It's not there for anyone to choose as a target for their new project! No new features will ever be added to the wrapper. It's a permanent Long-Term Support release, with (elegant, automatic) backporting of security updates, and that's it. Nobody starting a project would decide to build on it any more than they'd build on e.g. Apache 1.3, or Ubuntu 12.04.

> Even something as a simple name change will have massive negative impacts on the level of contributions.

Names are IP, obviously (so if you're a third party, you have to rename the project), but they're more than that—names are associated in our brains with reflexes and conventions for how we build things.

The reason Perl 6, Python 3, etc. have so much trouble with adoption is that people come into them expecting to be able to reuse the muscle-memory of the APIs of Perl 5/Python 2. They'd have been much better off marketed as completely new languages, that happened to be package-ecosystem-compatible with the previous language, like Elixir is to Erlang or Clojure is to Java.

If these releases were accompanied by their creators saying "Python/Perl is dead, long live _____!" then there'd have been a much more dramatic switchover to the new APIs. Managers understand "the upstream is dead and we have to switch" much more easily than they understand "the upstream has a new somewhat-incompatible major version with some great benefits."

One good example: there's a reason Swift wasn't released as "Objective-C 3.0". As it is, ObjC is "obviously dead" (even though Apple hasn't said anything to that effect!) and Swift is "the thing everyone will be using from here on, so we'd better move over to it." In a parallel reality, we'd have this very slow shift from ObjC2 to ObjC3 that would never fully complete.


† If the ecosystem were healthy, obviously you don't need the legacy wrapper. As you say, just release the new library as the new major version of the old library—or call the new library "foo2", as many projects have done—and tell people to switch, and they will.

It's easy to find healthy projects like this when you live close enough to the cutting-edge that all your downstream consumers are still in active development, possibly pre-1.0 development. The Node, Elixir, Go and Rust communities look a lot like this right now; any project can just "restart" and that doesn't trouble anybody. Everyone rewrites bits and pieces of their code all the time to track their upstreams' fresh-new-hotness APIs. That's a lot of what people mean when they talk about using a "hip new language": the fact that they won't have to deal with stupid APIs for very long, because stupid APIs get replaced.

But imagine trying to do the same thing to, say, C#, or Java, or any other language with Enterprise barnacles. Imagine trying to tell people consuming Java's DateTime library that "the version of DateTime in Java 9 is now JodaTime, and everyone has to rewrite their date-handling code to use the JodaTime API." While the end results would probably have 10x fewer bugs, because JodaTime is an excellent API whose UX makes the pertinent questions obvious and gives devs the right intuitions... a rewrite like that just ain't gonna happen. Java 9 needs a DateTime that looks and acts like DateTime.

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