I thought there's a Bash one-liner in there somewhere to read the API and convert it to a Google Static chart...but I haven't had my full cup of coffee this morning. Also, my Bash-fu is weak, so here it is as a partially completed function...I'm sure someone here can turn it into a one-liner:
Given a user argument, such as "Star_Wars" [0], the JSON response is parsed with the jq tool [1], then wrangled into a series of comma-delimited values to be passed into Google Static Charts API [2]:
Resulting URL which is a timeseries of the past 120 days of daily pageviews for "Star_Wars":
function chart_wpgviews(){
# first argument is article name
# eh, too lazy to look up string comparison, so hardcoding the start and end date vals,
# since it seems to be locked at a max of 4 months anyway...and hard-coding en.wikipedia
ENDTIME=$(date +%s)
STARTTIME=$(date --date="@$(($ENDTIME-120*24*60*60))" +%s) # 120 days ago
ENDDATE=$(date --date="@$ENDTIME" +%Y-%m-%d)
STARTDATE=$(date --date="@$STARTTIME" +%Y-%m-%d)
RESPONSE=$(curl -s https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/metrics/pageviews/per-article/$PROJECT/all-access/user/$PAGENAME/daily/$(tr -d '-' <<< $STARTDATE)/$(tr -d '-' <<< $ENDDATE))
VALS=$(jq '.items[] | .views' <<< $RESPONSE | tr '\n' ',')
MAXVAL=$(jq '.items[] | .views' <<< $RESPONSE | sort -rn | head -n1)
echo "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=800x200&cht=bvg&chd=t:${VALS%?}&chds=0,$MAXVAL&chbh=5,0,1&chxt=x,y&chxp=0,0&chxl=0:|$STARTDATE|$ENDDATE|1:||$((MAXVAL/2))|$MAXVAL&chtt=Last+120+days+of+pageviews+for+Wikipedia+page+on+$PAGENAME"
Wow, it's like a window into the zeitgeist.