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You should call and badger comcast for a deal. I'm on a deal now for less than $200/month for nearly every channel x1, 2 room dvr, and 120Mb inet, and a phone line (yes, my wife still uses a fax machine).

The problem with the starter (unless you can get a $99 deal) is that you have to add HD and DVR. So you think you're on the cheap plan, but it makes more sense to move up where those are included if you need them. Comcast website is deliberately obtuse and dealing with them is pain, but it can be done. Tweeting at them seems to get the best response and can get you a personal service person who seems to have the power to fix things.

With that said, when this deal is up I'll evaluate again if I can cut the cord and still get shows I want to watch without much hassle and decent internet.

Do you work for Comcast? In all seriousness, spending more to get a lot more isn't what I'm looking for. Verizon (my wireless provider) also tries the same sales tactic - as the higher paid plans have a batter rate for data.

No, but you want HD and DVR which are not really basics. I was just pointing out that it makes more sense to spend the same money or a little more and get a package including those. The other option is drop those and use an antenna for great HD and then watch shows online after they come on. It is all about level of effort and what your time is worth.

Comcast is a huge pita company, but it is either them, DTV, or nothing for my area. So until I can cord cut completely, I want to at least get some value. For now instead of just complaining into the void I look for solutions, and if I must keep Comcast I might as well make it worthwhile from a value stand point. It is fine if you don't like the solution, but I was throwing it out there so you would check the other plans.

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