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Why stackoverflow sucks (sergworks.wordpress.com)
3 points by giis on Dec 13, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

A question is read by hundreds of users and written only by one. Is spending some time on preparing that question for future readers too much to ask? Respect your readers :)

I agree,but for above post. Looks like someone asked a basic (looked like homework) question, which attracted someone to answer him. Later the question marked as homework and a year later it was removed! I don't think thats right attitude by SO. You can see lot of closed questions as 'off-topic' has more than 1 answer. SO need to find a solution to this problem. Whenever I see valid question down-voted, I used to upvote or mark it as favorite. Surely they need to review their moderators and their behaviour.

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