A number of times, I've come across an HN article in my news reader I wish I had bookmarked or written down somewhere and of course am unable to find via the search as I only recall basic elements of the post. I was wondering if there is a forum to ask others something such as "Does anyone remember the post regarding...?"
I'm looking for a web app that was a sort of document editor with a collection of drag and drop widgets on the right side of the page that could be dragged to the left in a sort of WYSIWYG form. I can't recall if it was a platform for blogging, a website editor or a CMS. If I recall correctly, I'm quite sure it was a hosted platform rather than an open-source library/package. Something similar I managed to find was http://getcontenttools.com/ but this isn't what I'm looking for
I've searched all the relevant keywords (blog, cms, editor, wysiwyg, rtf) I could think of with "points>30" (it was on the front page) sorted by date in the last year, but have been completely unable to find it.
site:news.ycombinator.com some words i remember
you can use google's search tools to help you too.