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I just use a Makefile[1] for this, I just type 'make', and it builds it and uses xdg-open to open it in my PDF viewer. Much faster than waiting for ShareLaTeX or similar web apps to re-render.

Gummi[2] is also nice for instant feedback, and you don't need to get the whole toolchain working by hand.

1: https://gist.github.com/rhinoceraptor/8b7e9bf650db6396e27e

2: https://github.com/alexandervdm/gummi

You can try latexmk, it does almost all of the work when building LaTeX (including getting cross-references right) and can even watch for changes and rebuild the document when necessary, updating your PDF reader too. Just calling _latexmk -pdf -silent -xelatex -pvc mydoc.tex_ should suffice (the -pvc option is for the continuous build and preview mode).

I couldn't get it to work on Windows previously.. is it any better now? :O

evince reload the pdf when I recompile it. So you might be able to get rid of the xdg-open call.

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