"GooCreate's renderer is based upon ThreeJS". With that I thought you meant that our tool (Goo Create) was built on three.js which it is not.
Yes a subset of a few files in the engine contains some code from other open source libraries. Mostly it is a derivative of my previous open source (Java) engines Ardor3D/jMonkeyEngine and new code.
" a subset of a few files in the engine contains some code from other open source libraries"
The code that is ThreeJS derived includes most of the 3D engine classes including:
The main Renderer class (!). As well as the Texture, Camera, RenderTarget, ShaderLib, ShaderBuilder, EventTarget classes. Also the majority of the stuff in the /math, /lights, /pass directories.
GooEngine's renderer (not game engine) was clearly forked from ThreeJS some time ago and diverged (significantly in some places and for the better) but the lineage is clear.