Are there any online versions of the manuals? What are the "Sound Tools"? The description is "applications used by musicians to create music for games" Sounds like some kind of tracker, or DAW... does anyone have any screen shots or online info about them? (I don't have a windows machine, and I don't even know what you do with a .iso file anymore!)
Its not empty. It includes autorun installability for Windows (presumably 95 and later) as well as what appears to be a version for SGI which understandably requires a bit more manual effort. Here is an excerpt of the Release Notes:
Release Contents
N64 Sound Tools version 3.14 consists of four different components.
1. Sound Tools
The Sound Tools are the GUI applications used by musicians to create
music for games. These tools are located in the $(INSTALL)\N64Tools
directory. Where $(INSTALL) is the installation directory (typically C:\).
The two main applications are the N64 Waveform Editor (dse.exe) and
the N64 Sequencer (dream.exe).
2. Sound Tools Libraries
The Sound Tools Libraries contains two different libraries; the Sound Tools
API Library and the N_Audio Driver for Sound Tools. These libraries allow
programmers to incorporate music created by the PC Sound Tools into their games.
The Sound Tools API Library is located in:
The N_Audio Driver for Sound Tools is located in:
In addition, the library files (.a) are installed in:
and the corresponding include files (.h) are installed in:
Where $(ROOT) is the location of the N64 operating system. This is so the library
files are in the proper directory for linking at compile time.
3. Sound Tools Manuals
This release contains three HTML manuals: the Sound Tools User's Guide,
the Sound Tools Programmer's Guide and the Tutorial Guide. Pointers to
all three manuals have been created under "N64"\"Sound Tools" in your Start
The Sound Tools User's Guide describes how to use the Sequencer and Waveform
Editor. The Sound Tools Programmer's Guide explains the Sound Tools API Library.
Finally, the Tutorial Guide gives a brief overview of the process used to create
music and incorporate it into your game code.
The Sound Tools Manuals are located in $(INSTALL)\N64Manuals\Sound_Tools.
4. Demos
A number of new demos have been added since the previous version of Sound
Tools. These demos illustrate how to use the Sound Tools API Library
to perform a number of functions, such as fading songs in and out, creating
sound effects, using markers in a song file, using a lookup table and more.
The demos are located in $(INSTALL)\N64Tools\Demos. You can compile each demo
seperately by changing to a specific demo directory and typing 'make'. Or
you can compile all demos at once by typing 'make' in the top-level demo
EDIT: updated repeatedly trying to fix formatting (and personal grammar failing).