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Ask HN: Get together in Tokyo?
3 points by jbm on Jan 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
I know there are quite a few Tokyo hackers on this mailing list; anyone interested in getting together? I've met some interesting people in town (mostly through Tokyo Hackerspace and the Tokyo 2600 events), but I rarely meet software people who aren't trying to sell something to me.

I'm interested.

How about setting up a meet-up at meetup.com or something similar? This post might not get voted up to front page, or it might disappear before we gather enough people.

My connection keeps dropping while trying to set up a meetup group.

Email me, hn@ordisante.com, or post your email below; we'll get something going.

For those who may be wondering, I hang out here (http://tokyohackerspace.org/) but there aren't really that many software people sadly.

I'm in! Email is in the profile!

I'd like to get together the next time in Tokyo on startup business. Drop me a line on my google voice! I promise I won't try to sell you anything! Thanks a bunch!

Sincerely, StartupGRrL

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