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How We're Doing Stats at Howdy (medium.com/why-not)
30 points by jimminy on Nov 12, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I think this is useful for small teams trying to validate ideas and not wasting time doing so.

I think the biggest downfall in terms of dashboards is making things actionable and getting away from vanity metrics.

Love this. Especially the part where you don't spend time building yet-another-dashboard page. Once you've settled on the graphs you want, you could then integrate them in your product admin directly if you want.

It sort of reminds me of feature requests for sorting/filtering/highlighting data in HTML tables -- instead of trying to rebuild a crappy version of Excel in a browser, just add an export to CSV button :)

There's nothing about how you handle user authentication. Are all of the stats just open to the public?

I was wondering this as well, I would expect the get stat function probably also passes some secret key in its arguments.

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