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How to Get Started with Nokogiri (by creator Aaron Patterson) (engineyard.com)
10 points by wifelette on Jan 14, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

i really like nokigiri and have used it extensively in the past year, though not in the past few months. if someone asks me which parsing library to use at this point i recommend it. however i have two critiques.

1. it didn't work with jruby (it may now but wasn't working a few months ago when i was using it). 2. the attitude toward hpricot (another ruby gem for html/xml parsing) when it was released was one of mocking disdain toward hpricot and it's creator, _why. instead of a 'hey thanks for the great html/xml parsing library, but here's one that's a little better'... it was more of a slam-down, and it was a bit much.

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