IMO, it's about equal parts of TV show quality dropping and other forms of entertainment becoming cheaper and more available. At my office plenty of people got into The Witcher 3, but nobody talks about TV.
1 of those shows is still on TV. Sopranos ended all the way back in 2007.
Anyway, from a business standpoint only having 2 or 3 good shows mean people get out of the habit. Fox fed viewers from Simpsons into American Dad and Family guy, but when most channels are filled with junk people got out of the habit. When The walking Dead has a bad season there is nothing keeping people tuning into AMC.
Think filler B TV like Roseanne or Home Improvement the kind of show where the mass of humanity don't just turn them off even if nobody is lining up for a new episode.
PS: It's also all the same formulas and if you like it that's great for you. But, we are missing a lot of the off the wall TV like the twilight zone or MST3k.
> But, we are missing a lot of the off the wall TV like the twilight zone or MST3k.
Black Mirror? Rick and Morty's pretty off the wall. Intense nihilism, interesting sci-fi concepts, "what if" ideas carried far enough that they become horrifying more often than not, et c. I haven't gotten around to True Detective yet (how are people in this thread watching so much TV that they're running out of good content?!?) but I understand it didn't/doesn't exactly follow one of the usual formulas.
MST3K-influenced shows are all web-only AFAIK, so it's not "TV" but there's more content of that sort than ever.
The Black Mirror is an interesting case. It's got 7 episodes over 3 years and is exactly the kind of show Netflix wants so there going to produce another 12.
Honestly, I think really demonstrates a failing of TV and not a success. Like how firefly got 1/2 a season @ 14 episodes.
I guess it depends what you're in to and how much you consume. I really like dramas and avoid reality tv. I also tend to watch one episode of something only during weeknights. The last few series I've worked through have been:
* The Knick
* Parks and Rec
* Orphan Black
Next I plan to catch up on the most recent seasons of:
* Orange is the new Black
* Silicon Valley
* True Detective
I seem to find new shows faster than I can catch up to old ones.
There isn't enough TV for Netflix because Netflix sells TV to binge watchers who always want the next show.
FX wants to sell high end content at a premium. They don't want so much TV that anyone can find great rerun content on Netflix. FX wants you to watch a new episode of the Americans. They don't want you to binge watch 8 seasons of X-Files.
Netflix actually benefits if content is cheap. FX benefits if content is expensive.
Actually, no. Netflix has every incentive for you to pay for a monthly membership and use as little of their product as possible, as they have to pay licensing for each show you watch, the bandwidth, etc.
Production studios that sell ads, they have a vested interest in you watching more TV, as the more you watch the more ads they can sell.
IMO, it's about equal parts of TV show quality dropping and other forms of entertainment becoming cheaper and more available. At my office plenty of people got into The Witcher 3, but nobody talks about TV.