Girls are discouraged from studying STEM from an early age, as the infographic mentions. Some tech companies do try to hire women, but many don't care. And sexual harassment is not the only problem facing women in the workplace.
Please back up ANY of those points.
From personal experience, I saw girls encouraged to get into high school had a STEM program that only took up to 50% males.
Not caring about whether they hire males or females is exactly how is should be. It would be awesome if gender wasn't a factor at all..but I dont believe thats what you want.
What are these terrible problems in the workplace that only women are facing?
At my first job out of school (tech job at a tech company), I sat to eat lunch with 2 females and 1 other male, all fresh out of school. We talked about salaries. Both men had negotiated for a high salary and used competing offers as leverage. Both females said they had other offers but didn't negotiate any of them.
Sounds to me like a common case where the women SHOULD be paid less...simply because they didn't try