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>Yes, and people who have broken legs should just start running marathons. Shame on them for not taking 'personal responsibility' for being unable to run a marathon.

There is overwhelming evidence that stress causes depression and anxiety, and that psychological interventions can help. I'm not aware of any evidence that psychological treatments can cure a broken leg.

>Fuck off.

You might want to read the rules here. Anyway, thanks for proving my point.

>Getting treatment is literally getting help from other people. In other words, it is not doing anything about depression themselves.

Yes, but for it to have any effect, it needs to affect your own brain, so you do need to do it yourself (even though you might get help from other people).

>I'm not sure why you even brought up these 'some people' who are not mentioned anywhere in the submitted link

I was referring to the constant articles being posted/upvoted here that have dubious science showing that gut bacteria might cause anxiety/depression, while ignoring/denying the overwhelming evidence showing that brain influences gut.

>The word 'responsibility' has connotations of duty and obligation. The term 'personal responsibility' as a whole is a dog whistle used commonly in American politics to attack vulnerable populations of people. It is innuendo

I'm just writing a comment on a forum, not a peer-reviewed journal. I have no idea about the use of the term in American politics.

>Is it not at all conceivable to you that you can say something that bothers someone for good reasons?

Sure it is. However when you get angry about something that someone didn't intend, it stifles discussion.

> However when you get angry about something that someone didn't intend, it stifles discussion.

I think we've been having a rip roaring good discussion tho.

> Anyway, thanks for proving my point.

No. Your point is ill-informed, banal, and frankly, just plain offensive. You're incredibly ignorant and I hope you don't interact with anyone who suffers from depression because blaming people with a disease for suffering from that disease because of a personal moral failing is disgusting. You're gross. The things you say are gross. Stop saying them.

You're putting words into my mouth. Nowhere did I say that people are to blame for depression, or that it is a moral failing. I'm simply saying that some people don't believe that they can do anything about depression themselves, even though it isn't really in any doubt that psychological treatments help depression.

Given your angry ranting in response to my arguments, it sounds like you disbelieve the science, so you are in fact proving my point.

> I'm simply saying that some people don't believe that they can do anything about depression themselves, even though it isn't really in any doubt that psychological treatments help depression.

Getting treatment is literally getting help from other people. In other words, it is not doing anything about depression themselves.

Also, even though Cognitive Behavior Therapy is very effective at treating depression, it does not help all depression, which doesn't discredit it but indicates that depression is complex ensemble of disorders that cannot all be treated in the same way. Depression that is resistant to CBT and antidepressants is scary.

It should also be noted that one of the ways depression manifests is as strong feelings of helplessness, intrusive thoughts, vicious circles of reasoning, and a debilitation of executive function which by definition makes people unable to help themselves.

I'm not sure why you even brought up these 'some people' who are not mentioned anywhere in the submitted link and certainly did not come in here to chime in about their deep need to absolve themselves of the crushing guilt that often accompanies the life dysfunction caused by depression. I think you made them up.

> You're putting words into my mouth.

You used the term 'personal responsibility'. The word 'responsibility' has connotations of duty and obligation. The term 'personal responsibility' as a whole is a dog whistle used commonly in American politics to attack vulnerable populations of people. It is innuendo. The words came out of your mouth, and unfortunately once they're out, they are received in other ears. I'll certainly regret and feel embarrassed having told you to "fuck off" in a few hours or so. C'est la vie.

> Given your angry ranting in response to my arguments, it sounds like you disbelieve the science, so you are in fact proving my point.

I'm angry because you touched a nerve and this subject is important to me. It doesn't have anything to do with the particulars of my understanding. You're rationalizing away my anger towards you. Is it not at all conceivable to you that you can say something that bothers someone for good reasons?

Is it conceivable that you bothered yourself by inferring all sorts of things that weren't actually said due to your own biases? I'd say it's not only conceivable, it's way more likely to be correct than the tack you've taken here.

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