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Not cheap (quality) but inexpensive a big difference I know you meant that but maybe some people don't care about the source of the dairy they get. I live in an area with a lot of farms and fishing but I am neither a farmer or a fisherman.

The problem is all those small dairy farms can't compete with giant industrial farms which use steroids, growth hormones, or antibiotics. Milk is actually dumped and farmers are fined if any trace of antibiotics are found in the milk.

Supply management is based on the cost of production at the farm itself which I think is fair since I see too many poor farmers and fisherman who work 20 hour days only to get a pittance of the final cost of the product.

It's a huge culture difference too Canadians tend to know a lot about their dairy products and don't see it as a product like an iPhone I think they do in the US.

I know people in my region will just refuse to buy imported dairy regardless of price due to the use of hormones, antibiotics (still in the milk) and steroids. Most now buy local beef, pork, chicken and seafood.

Eggs and chicken are also have similar controls.

> The problem is all those small dairy farms can't compete with giant industrial farms which use steroids, growth hormones, or antibiotics.

Then ban the steroids, growth hormones, or antibiotics. None of this is a reason to allow the dairy farmers to form a cartel.

What's next, allow the car manufacturers to form a cartel because artisanal hand-made cars can't compete against factory-built cars?

In Canada they are banned in a way by not allowing milk from the cow on such treatment to be sold. Once the cow is healthy then the milk can be used.

It seems that from the leaked TPP documents, if true, a lot of the food standards countries are using will be lowered under TPP not raised.

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