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Better question, does Linus ever say extremely nice, encouraging, generous things and make the front page of HN for doing so?

I have seen lots of posts where he explains things patiently in a lot of detail.

I just wonder if he gets the same tough treatment he gives to others when he is wrong. And if he takes it well. I am assuming that sometimes like most of us he is totally wrong.

> encouraging, generous

FWIW he created (one of?) the worlds most used OS kernels and shared it freely sparking all kinds of projects and businesses.

As for the rudeness, I feel that is hugely overrated. Compare hime to someone like the "developer evangelist" who got two developers fired because they said something to each other that s/he didn't like and see what I mean.

Edit: comments welcome, I have enough points but I cannot learn what mistake I made if nobody tells me.

I assume you're being downvoted because you're bringing up a highly controversial issue which is, at best, tangentially related.

And doing so in a way that paints it in the most favorable possible light for one position, in addition to using technical skill as a free pass for them making personal attacks.

Making the world's most used kernels doesn't give you the right to be a bully. Ironically, I largely believe he isn't.

Your quote cut off the critical word "say".

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