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TalkerApp launched (talkerapp.tumblr.com)
24 points by dan_sim on Jan 5, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Congrats. Nice to see more entrants to the webchat space :)

Looks like a lot of chat applications are launching lately. Also check out http://hipchat.com

hipchat looks like download only desktop app. I don't understand why people would go that route these days.

To the devs: have you thought about using BOSH and ejabberd? That way you wouldn't have to poll for updates.

I built a little toy app that used BOSH and ejabberd to do chats - upside is you get all the extensibility of XMPP and the downside is that you have to deal with all the extensibility of XMPP. :)

Yes we tried XMPP at first but was way to complex for our needs.

We use Orbited for comet. The backend chat server is custom and based on RabbitMQ. See our protocol on https://talker.tenderapp.com/faqs/api/talker-protocol

Nice work on the protocol. Very light weight.

the site needs screenshots/info about builtin feed integration and APIs, which are the core differentiators from campfire

(this comes from someone who contributes to and writes plugins for a campfire bot:



Yes! That's what we're working on now, we just decided to launch before we had video/tour on the site. Thx for the suggestion.

Is it just me or is the video/tour a very tedious thing to do... I've been putting it off myself for my site.

Yes, very tedious, and always lags behind the latest version -- maybe that should be your next business. :D

Write demo scripts in Selenium and have it "play" the demo for the user on the actual app using a demo account.

Hm....quit tempting me!

Nice good luck, I am interested to see what people do with the API.

No offense, but why this and not campfire? (who has a free version)

Talker is more extensible, we're focusing on API and plugins http://talker.tenderapp.com/faqs/api, has inline feed notification for eg.: github commits, twitter search results, tickets updates in the chat room. And a lot more to come.

Talker also has a free version (4 concurrent users) https://talkerapp.com/signup/free

I'm really excited about applications that provide JavaScript-based APIs.

DabbleDB is another app that does this: http://dabbledb.com/help/guides/jsapi/

Is campfire really in development any more? Seemed a bit of a dead project last time I looked.

Now this is awesome!!!

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