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I've downvoted you because the world doesn't need yet another post about how some open source project that has the audacity to call themselves "the ultimate resource" for their initial release doesn't live up to some-random-person-on-the-internet's idea of "ultimate".

I'm guessing from the specifics of your example queries that you already have some knowledge about WSGI and Python that you could contribute to the guide. Why not do that instead?

And I commented, as it calls itself ultimate, and it has articles about Java, Node, Apache, Linux (including SystemD) and Windows.

If it was titled "We want to build the Ultimate Logging Resource" I would be OK with it.

I would have no problem contributing, and may well do so over the next while, but titles like this get my goat

Edit: Also, while I know this will be downvoted to hell - Open Source? It is by a commercial company, with -all- most of the examples being their product.

I think that's a fair point. It's really something we want and believe will become ultimate over time as more people contribute to it. It's got a good start but needs a lot more work. I think it's useful to show the vision of what we want to become, because logging is a complex topic and so many resources today are spread around on different forums. That's why we wanted to have a place to consolidate all that useful information into something much easier to read. I think it's probably worth a adjustment to the tagline and mission statement on the front page to make this more obvious. Thanks for the suggestion!

Great suggestion! I'm one of the tech editors for the guide and we'd love to have contributors for python and other languages! http://www.loggly.com/ultimate-guide/become-a-contributor/

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