Anything going that route will lack FDA approval/indications/contraindications, a Medicare baseline price, and insurance companies willing to pay for it. This makes the average hospital less willing to lean in the direction of self-importation.
Granted, this is import restrictions notwithstanding. Some substances can't even be brought across the border except under penalty of imprisonment for smuggling in a controlled substance. There are often no permits that one can acquire, which means that the drugs must be manufactured in the US.
Thanks; I thought that for corporations, importing drugs was possible. So, basically, big European pharma needs to produce its drugs for the US market in the US?
Granted, this is import restrictions notwithstanding. Some substances can't even be brought across the border except under penalty of imprisonment for smuggling in a controlled substance. There are often no permits that one can acquire, which means that the drugs must be manufactured in the US.