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The specific number of columns may be arbitrary, but you have to specify some number or your codebase will turn into a mess.

I've seen it happen - you'll get that one guy who likes to zoom a single editor to the full size of his monitor and then just type, type, type all the way to the far edge, making it impossible for anyone else to figure out what the hell he's doing without switching to his idiosyncratic editor setup. He'll see nothing wrong with nesting control structures fifteen or twenty levels deep, because it will all look completely reasonable on his screen, and he'll happily glom up absurdly complicated 30-40 character long identifiers because he has no taste and autocompletes all his identifiers anyway. An organization like Google can't tolerate that kind of crap and a strict code formatting guideline provides a simple first line of defense toward keeping it under control.

Limiting line length makes it easier for developers to work on each other's code, because they won't have to go resize all their terminals or change the length marker on a per-file basis. It's also a mechanical way to push developers toward shorter parameter lists and shorter, less deeply nested functions, which are good practice anyway.

(For what it's worth, I too have been programming for around 30 years, and Google is also the only place I've worked that had an official style guide with line limits. My reaction is the opposite of yours: I loved it, and I've tried to lobby for the practice everywhere I've worked since. I don't care what the details of the style guide are so long as they are enforced consistently - it's a really great feeling to drop into some far-distant file written by people you'll never meet and still find that the code is clear and consistent with the code you work on every day. I like 80 columns because it lets me fit three full size editors on each monitor, but I would be just as happy with 96 or 110 or 132 or whatever as long as there is some consistent limit I can count on.)

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