yeah, my bad. thought you were the guy above me. Apologies.
As for the career I chose, you can assume it wasn't anything to do with computers, lol. (Although I almost went the Cognitive Science/Computer Science route back in my younger days, before realizing I wasn't nerdy enough!)
I think you underestimated your nerdiness back then. Here you are all those years later responding passionately in a thread on rescuing programming from the von neumann style.
Well if nobody is passionate about it, nothing will change. I'm sure I look like a fool for it, but someone has to.. might as well be me! :)
My interest in AI and computer architectures never went away.. I just decided not to turn certain interests into a career, and walked away from the chance to be gainfully employed as a programmer. At the time I felt there had to be a 'better way', and I've been trying to come up with that 'better way' ever since.
I'm probably somewhat bitter that my research (probably) won't get translated into something physically tangible and complete, as I'm running out of time. Cancer is unkind that way.
It's entirely possible that I've been chasing a pipe dream all these years though, and while that would be a shame I'm realistic enough to entertain that notion. I've already accepted death, so at this point I can accept this, too. But of course I don't really believe that is the case here. ;)