> As for the other RFID chips you might carry, the most anyone is likely to glean from your passport or driver’s license is basic information like your name and country of origin.
Passports and drivers licenses contain much more information than that; is that information not broadcast?
With all the new low-powered, local wireless networking technologies, I haven't thought about RFID for awhile. Is it not suitable for IoT? I assume that by default it only broadcasts one, static set of data; and probably only in response to a request; but even if I'm right, couldn't those features be changed easily?
Here he says:
> Six pieces of information can be stolen from the RFID chip on a U.S. passport: your name, nationality, gender, date of birth, place of birth, and a digitized photograph.
Passports and drivers licenses contain much more information than that; is that information not broadcast?
With all the new low-powered, local wireless networking technologies, I haven't thought about RFID for awhile. Is it not suitable for IoT? I assume that by default it only broadcasts one, static set of data; and probably only in response to a request; but even if I'm right, couldn't those features be changed easily?