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Ample SDK - Open Source GUI Framework (amplesdk.com)
23 points by meddah on Dec 27, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The UI elements are good. I checked the demos. (the charts which I wanted to see isn't complete yet). But The question is that, is this style-able? I ask this coz one of the UI frameworks I used, Sproutcore, isn't stylable.

Yep, XUL components are indeed stylable (So will be charts). For example: xul|menuitem[type=radio]::image { background-image: url(media/menuitem_radio.gif); } or xul|listcell { padding: 5px; }

I think it is stylable via CSS:


I like that you can make custom tags. Especially the Google Maps tags really seem to make Google Maps easier to use.

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