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Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats become country’s largest party (ft.com)
8 points by draugadrotten on Aug 20, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Wonderful website design. There's a giant overlay preventing me from reading the article that redirects me to the main page when I click the close button.

Is there a better source for this?

Hear hear. Also, with javascript disabled, I am presented with a blank white page. The content of the articles may be interesting, but everything else about FT's site is trash.

E: The FT article is probably just this Reuters bit: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/08/20/uk-sweden-politics-... I can't actually say for sure, however, as FT's site is unusable.


Well, that headline is kind of misleading. I though this was for an election: turns out it's just an opinion poll published in a newspaper.

That overlays is probably part of the FT's paywall, and their paywall is quite strict. I'd say FT links aren't ideal for HN, since many (most?) HN readers are unlikely to have FT subscriptions. (They do allow ~10 articles a month if you register). Another workaround is to click through a Google News link, especially in Incognito Mode.

Read another way: 75% of Swedes reject anti-immigration agenda. Nearly all of those for it have now jumped to the party.

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