I've been programming for 20 years, the last 12 in ASP.net webforms (I know, I know). In every job, I've been told I was the top dev at the company. I kept my current job because of the money and flexibility they gave me to stay, but now that working here isn't worth it anymore, I'm feeling that remaining in this job has soured my career. I'm not sure where to go from here.
I've held management positions, and while my projects were successful, I'm not interested there. The monotonous consulting-services work I've been doing for the last 5+ years hasn't lent itself to exploring new technologies, so I don't have the breadth for an architect job. I've tried the solo-business route, and while my app is loved and has sold copies, it's only breaking even and won't sustain me now.
Almost all of the jobs I am interested in (remote or product-based) want newer technology. SQL Server's been a big part of my entire career, but it feels like that is losing relevance with the ORMs/EFs of the world. I've only worked with MVC on personal projects, but even if I brushed up on it, I'm guessing managers would feel I am an expensive hire without any advantage a junior dev who worked with MVC their whole career.
Do I try to build a MVC portfolio, since that seems to be the popular MS technology? Or work on a JS portfolio (my web style today is already JS calling JSON services) and try to rebuild myself on the front end?
Do I take a big pay cut and try to rebuild my skills with a company open to a senior dev without the exact experience?
Do I try to gamble and find myself a newer technology to reinvent myself into, hoping it sticks around?
Or am I just at the natural point in my career where I'm supposed to be working for another services company?
Anyone refactor themselves into something new at a similar point in their career? I'd love to hear your advice.
RefactorCareer@gmail.com in case you have any private advice.