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I didn't want to be discouraging. I was just phrasing what I would think if I just did something like he did.

Yeah, but the point of the talk is the opposite. It's more of a motivational talk than a tech talk. It was pretty good, the runtime (<15 min) and his attitude helped. He was OK with not really being sure of himself or what he's doing, and still he did it.

I'd bet the phone he made isn't going to be the last phone he makes. He'll make more. He'll learn more. Maybe he'll talk more, or write something up and then we all will know more.

Hell, after watching the video I was like "I gotta make me one of those. But with Slackware!!!" :)

Don't feel bad about a few downvotes. I just think you missed the point. (Also, I didn't downvote).

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