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Your demos might be good... but I can't see without logging in. One suggestion... if you are trying to showcase your work, don't make people set up an account to try it out. Maybe have a demo site specifically for that purpose that doesn't require login or has a demo account for people to use so they don't have to sign up themselves.

EDIT: BTW, this is exactly how I got my first job... I wrote a demo app and showed it to a potential employer. It was enough to get my foot in the door at a place where I had the privilege of working long hours for low salary until I had enough experience to apply for more desirable positions. Confidence and shoe leather can be as good as an formal education... good luck :)

Right, the trick is to convince someone with hiring authority (try to avoid HR like the plague) that you can "add value"/do the job, and demos like this can go a long ways towards that.

For this approach I like the distilled wisdom advocated by Nick "Ask The Headhunter" Corcodilos (http://www.asktheheadhunter.com/), he really understands all this including the tech field, e.g. check out his great "Death By Lethal Reputation" essay on how a company destroyed itself through its hiring and personal practices: http://www.asktheheadhunter.com/halethalrep.htm

Quite a few years ago one of my biggest clients stopped me dead in my headhunter's tracks. A human resources manager at the company wanted me to tell her why the company's name was "Mud" among engineers in Silicon Valley. Actually, she asked me for a formal, written report.

"Too many job candidates -- engineers and managers alike -- are rejecting our offers outright, and even more of them refuse to come back for a second interview," she explained. "Management really needs to hear the truth, and I know you know what's going on."

Pre-Micheal O Church era, BTW ^_^.

I did not consider how having to log in to view the functionality would prevent people from actually clicking around the website and will work on changing it so people can see everything on the site, they just can't follow/like/post etc unless they are registered. Thanks you for the criticism, It is truly appreciated. Hopefully by demoing these 2 apps I will be able to squeeze my foot in the door!

Stuff like logins are extra work the user has to do and it increases your bounce rate -- people seeing it, and then just leaving because of it.

You might want to try comparing how many people show up vs how many people register. Then you'd know.

This guy speaks the truth. A demo which requires a login causes me to :(

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