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> Why do people feel the need to publish every small project to the public?

Github acts as a portfolio site for programmers.

The usual refrain when doing hiring is "check a candidate's Github." Thus every potential employee makes sure there is something other than cobwebs on their pages. This is especially explicit in startups around San Francisco. Hell I'm guilty of it as well.

Likewise, many language communities actively encourage library development. Ruby and Javascript are great examples of this.

Then there are entire tools built around git paradigms. Heroku's push to deploy a perfect example. Many services have easy application hooks into git actions. Github has many built in. Pushing code and then kicking off a build system with automated tests is worth every penny I spend. Other services have this as well. However, it's harder (read: more than 5 minutes work) to build these hooks on a server you are running yourself. Paying Github for the work is a no brainer.

I've used Bitbucket for private repos, but usually the user wants their code public. They want to show off. But if I wanted to keep some code private (like my latest app) I'm all for private hosting.

> Github acts as a portfolio site for programmers.

No [1] [2]. It is not your resume or your CV. You should be able to highlight projects or accomplishments on your CV - github gives you no control over the layout of your profile.

> The usual refrain when doing hiring is "check a candidate's Github."

(I'm assuming you mean something that they do rather than something they don't do)

I'm not saying you can't look at be like "oh those are some cool projects he is working on" - but actually using it to say "man this guy is a loser coder - we can't hire him!" I think you should just step outside for some fresh air and just relax and listen to the birds for awhile.

If you need reasons [3] why you shouldn't [4] - there are plenty [5].

> However, it's harder (read: more than 5 minutes work) to build these hooks on a server you are running yourself.

You should check out Jenkins. Within a couple of mouse clicks I can ask it to automatically build, run tests, archive the binaries, and send them somewhere. And even email me if it fails.

[1] https://blog.jcoglan.com/2013/11/15/why-github-is-not-your-c...

[2] https://tommcfarlin.com/github-is-not-your-cv/

[3] https://github.com/gelstudios/gitfiti

[4] https://github.com/will/githubprofilecheat

[5] http://mikeboers.com/blog/2014/10/26/the-evils-of-gamifying-...

Portfolio != CV

I guess it really depends on your definition.

For example Mahara claims to be an online portfolio creator - but you can also build your CV with it [1].

I just wish someone would come out and say "this is the format your resume/CV should be in" - not just for my own sanity but so that when applying for jobs. A lot of companies now they have their crappy resume reader that attempts to read your resume into normalized text boxes - and usually fail miserably forcing you to retype your resume.

[1] http://manual.mahara.org/en/1.8/content/resume.html

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