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ICFP Problem Specification (icfpcontest.org)
17 points by skatenerd on Aug 7, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Possibly this should be ICFP Programming Contest Problem Specification? I'm sure the International Conference on Functional Programming has different problems.

There are eighteen phrases of power that can be invoked within a sequence of commands. Points are earned for invoking and repeating these phrases, as described below.

The shortest phrase of power is the three character phrase "Ei!". The longest phrase of power is of length fifty-one. The phrases of power can be found in contest artifacts, tweets, and background literature and media.

So this document isn't complete -- you have to search Twitter and/or other stuff to get all the rules?

The spec says:

> As you discover more phrases of power, you can re-run the program with additional -p command line options; during judging (except for the lightning division), the program will be passed all the phrases of power.

If you're competing in the lightning round, you'll have an advantage by learning more phrases of power and embedding them in your program. For the normal round, if your program is sufficiently sophisticated, you won't need to know any of the phrases of power in advance.

Support is available on irc.freenode.net in #icfp-contest, and on Twitter @ICFPContest2015.

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