Advertising is psychological manipulation and in 99% of cases all it does is create a need for something where there was none and where there need not be one.
As a society the West is driven by an obscene need for perpetual and ever-increasing consumption and advertising is primarily responsible for this.
It's a psychological attack on millions, even billions of people that uses their fears, their neuroses and their insecurities against them to generate profits.
They say advertising affects everying whether they know it or not and I do agree with this. The simple act of being exposed to say a Coca-Cola advert is enough to put that brand in your mind.
Here's the kicker though; for many people this is having the opposite effect as intended. I see an advert, for pretty much anything and all it does it make me want to avoid that company's products.
Anything from obnoxious internet ads to cringe-worthy TV ads full of happy care-free dancing actors singing headache inducing jingles. I'll avoid the products they advertise out of pure annoyance and spite.
It seems like more and more people are starting to react this way to advertising and it's a good thing.
Advertising is psychological manipulation and in 99% of cases all it does is create a need for something where there was none and where there need not be one.
As a society the West is driven by an obscene need for perpetual and ever-increasing consumption and advertising is primarily responsible for this.
It's a psychological attack on millions, even billions of people that uses their fears, their neuroses and their insecurities against them to generate profits.
They say advertising affects everying whether they know it or not and I do agree with this. The simple act of being exposed to say a Coca-Cola advert is enough to put that brand in your mind.
Here's the kicker though; for many people this is having the opposite effect as intended. I see an advert, for pretty much anything and all it does it make me want to avoid that company's products.
Anything from obnoxious internet ads to cringe-worthy TV ads full of happy care-free dancing actors singing headache inducing jingles. I'll avoid the products they advertise out of pure annoyance and spite.
It seems like more and more people are starting to react this way to advertising and it's a good thing.