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Evolving languages faster with type tailoring (lambdaland.org)
2 points by ashton314 8 hours ago | discuss
TOTP tokens on my wrist with the smartest dumb watch (singleton.io)
77 points by alexmolas 8 hours ago | 7 comments
Why does the chromaticity diagram look like that? (jlongster.com)
165 points by samwillis 9 hours ago | 53 comments
Call the compiler, fax it your code [video] (youtube.com)
139 points by ayoreis 10 hours ago | 35 comments
A simple procedural animation technique [video] (youtube.com)
103 points by Meleagris 10 hours ago | 12 comments
Finding a random seed that solves a LeetCode problem (2023) (mcognetta.github.io)
76 points by mcyc 10 hours ago | 21 comments
Is the nervous system a democracy? (2016) (scientificamerican.com)
26 points by kawera 1 day ago | 11 comments
Minecraft (2014) (medium.com/message)
2 points by prawn 2 days ago | discuss
Micromouse (wikipedia.org)
136 points by EndXA 2 days ago | 37 comments
Rosey Grier: From NFL Football to Knitting and Needlework (2023) (crochetconcupiscence.com)
23 points by DoreenMichele 10 days ago | 1 comment
The legacy of Liverpool's forgotten synchrocyclotron (physicsworld.com)
54 points by sxcurry 23 days ago | 15 comments
Should the Hawthorn Be Saved? (theatlantic.com)
35 points by nkurz 24 days ago | 14 comments
Spending too much time optimizing for loops (octavelarose.github.io)
92 points by azhenley 25 days ago | 58 comments
Getting the World Record in Hatetris (2022) (hallofdreams.org)
285 points by TheCog 25 days ago | 53 comments
Unification in Elixir (ericpfahl.com)
186 points by weatherlight 26 days ago | 31 comments
The good, the bad, and the weird (2018) (trailofbits.com)
29 points by kaladin-jasnah 27 days ago | 4 comments
A modern 8 bit design, built using 1950s thermionic valves (valve.computer)
403 points by cenazoic 29 days ago | 79 comments
A Forth Story (1995) (groups.google.com)
100 points by veqq 35 days ago | 21 comments
The End-of-Line Story (2004) (rfc-editor.org)
40 points by gabrielsroka 35 days ago | 15 comments
New heroes of spaceflight: Not the astronauts but the software nerds (washingtonpost.com)
15 points by Jtsummers 35 days ago | 4 comments
Formal methods: Just good engineering practice? (brooker.co.za)
179 points by ot 35 days ago | 149 comments
Solving puzzles faster than humanly possible (biggieblog.com)
105 points by panic 35 days ago | 42 comments
Hope without optimism – transcription of a talk by Dave Snowden (2022) (gist.github.com)
64 points by owulveryck 35 days ago | 19 comments
The Vienna Secession: A History (theviennasecession.com)
42 points by keiferski 35 days ago | 10 comments
Using Stockfish to identify ideal squares (lichess.org)
83 points by akkartik 35 days ago | 18 comments
Always Already Programming (gist.github.com)
15 points by akkartik 35 days ago | 10 comments
The Back of the Envelope (1984) [pdf] (seltzer.com)
38 points by tjalfi 37 days ago | 8 comments
Deep Dive into Ownership in Mojo (modular.com)
57 points by matt_d 47 days ago | 23 comments
Garbage collect your technical debt (2021) (ieee.org)
136 points by gfairbanks 48 days ago | 89 comments
He trained cops to fight crypto crime and allegedly ran a dark-web drug market (wired.com)
47 points by xrayarx 51 days ago | 7 comments

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