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Stories from November 7, 2022
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1. Delaware judge discovers hidden entity recruiting people to be patent trolls (ipde.com)
987 points by Andrew_Russell on Nov 7, 2022 | 349 comments
2. Monumental (if correct) advance in number theory posted to ArXiv by Yitang Zhang
1303 points by gavagai691 on Nov 7, 2022 | 417 comments
3. You Might Also Like (basicappleguy.com)
559 points by mgrayson on Nov 7, 2022 | 291 comments
4. The most unethical thing I was asked to build while working at Twitter in 2015 (twitter.com/stevekrenzel)
921 points by sgk284 on Nov 7, 2022 | 408 comments
5. Circadian lighting with Home Assistant: Like f.lux, but for your house (tylercipriani.com)
534 points by modinfo on Nov 7, 2022 | 231 comments
6. Microsoft is phoning home the content of PowerPoint slides (rogermexico.bearblog.dev)
734 points by memorable on Nov 7, 2022 | 379 comments
7. India lifted 415M out of poverty in 15 years, says UN (indiatimes.com)
705 points by cryoz on Nov 7, 2022 | 516 comments
8. Lab-grown blood given to people in world-first clinical trial (bbc.com)
448 points by sohkamyung on Nov 7, 2022 | 113 comments
9. Signal Introduces Stories (signal.org)
466 points by mikece on Nov 7, 2022 | 452 comments
10. Almost monospaced: the perfect fonts for writing (blakewatson.com)
394 points by blakewatson on Nov 6, 2022 | 171 comments
11. Purchasing Power Parity: Fair pricing for SaaS products (scastiel.dev)
169 points by throwaway888abc on Nov 7, 2022 | 153 comments
12. MDL: A Micro-Architecture Description Language for LLVM (llvm.org)
157 points by ingve on Nov 7, 2022 | 13 comments
13. Audio CD ripping – optical drive accuracy listing (pilabor.com)
208 points by sandreas on Nov 7, 2022 | 161 comments
14. Peto’s Paradox (wikipedia.org)
142 points by Vigier on Nov 5, 2022 | 68 comments
15. Bloated college administration is making education unaffordable (quillette.com)
378 points by tomohawk on Nov 6, 2022 | 356 comments
16. Centuries-old whaling logs are filling gaps in our climate knowledge (grist.org)
130 points by Thevet on Nov 6, 2022 | 68 comments
17. Why would anyone need JavaScript generator functions? (jrsinclair.com)
247 points by lewisjoe on Nov 7, 2022 | 177 comments
18. LiteDB: A .NET embedded NoSQL database (litedb.org)
153 points by jermaustin1 on Nov 7, 2022 | 46 comments
19. Our brains 'time-stamp' sounds to process the words we hear (nyu.edu)
162 points by hhs on Nov 7, 2022 | 102 comments
20. Show HN: textshader.com (textshader.com)
260 points by ladberg on Nov 7, 2022 | 21 comments
21. Being Ridiculed for My Open Source Project (2013) (harthur.wordpress.com)
335 points by endorphine on Nov 7, 2022 | 371 comments
22. US Attorney Announces $3.36B Cryptocurrency Seizure in Connection with Silk Road (justice.gov)
320 points by jmsflknr on Nov 7, 2022 | 276 comments
23. Drgn: A programmable C debugger, scriptable from Python (github.com/osandov)
147 points by pizza on Nov 5, 2022 | 11 comments
24. How to make sure no dynamic memory is used (mcuoneclipse.com)
109 points by ingve on Nov 7, 2022 | 42 comments
25. Apple Execs on iMessage for Android (2013) (twitter.com/techemails)
284 points by mfiguiere on Nov 7, 2022 | 424 comments
26. Honda electric moped coming, intended to fit “50cc” category (cycleworld.com)
156 points by ilamont on Nov 6, 2022 | 169 comments
27. Aluminum formate Al(HCOO)3: Earth-abundant, scalable, & material for CO2 capture (science.org)
122 points by westurner on Nov 7, 2022 | 99 comments
28. Early stages of Google Docs support in the Ladybird browser (twitter.com/awesomekling)
257 points by pakyr on Nov 7, 2022 | 84 comments
29. Anscombe's Quartet (wikipedia.org)
89 points by tosh on Nov 5, 2022 | 10 comments
30. Keep ’em coming: Why your first ideas aren’t always the best (stanford.edu)
132 points by hhs on Nov 7, 2022 | 32 comments

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