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Stories from July 12, 2024
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1. Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with (quansight.org)
532 points by ngoldbaum 68 days ago | 378 comments
2. AT&T says criminals stole phone records of 'nearly all' customers in data breach (techcrunch.com)
1103 points by impish9208 68 days ago | 813 comments
3. Tau: Open-source PaaS – A self-hosted Vercel / Netlify / Cloudflare alternative (github.com/taubyte)
498 points by thunderbong 68 days ago | 139 comments
4. Beating the L1 cache with value speculation (2021) (mazzo.li)
248 points by nickdevx 69 days ago | 80 comments
5. What could explain the gallium anomaly? (quantamagazine.org)
215 points by ars 68 days ago | 102 comments
6. So you want to rent an NVIDIA H100 cluster? 2024 Consumer Guide (photoroom.com)
297 points by ea016 71 days ago | 139 comments
7. Beating the Compiler (mattkeeter.com)
195 points by mkeeter 68 days ago | 71 comments
8. Windows NT for Power Macintosh (github.com/wack0)
298 points by TazeTSchnitzel 68 days ago | 215 comments
9. Using S3 as a Container Registry (ochagavia.nl)
319 points by jandeboevrie 68 days ago | 154 comments
10. WildGaussians: 3D Gaussian Splatting in the Wild (arxiv.org)
108 points by alphabetting 68 days ago | 19 comments
11. Show HN: Dropbase AI – A Prompt-Based Python Web App Builder (github.com/dropbasehq)
141 points by jimmyechan 68 days ago | 11 comments
12. Show HN: Daminik – An Open source digital asset manager (daminik.com)
129 points by poolie 68 days ago | 42 comments
13. Making Python Less Random (healeycodes.com)
87 points by healeycodes 72 days ago | 43 comments
14. Floppy8 – A Tiny Computer, in a Floppy Drive (2023) (abe.today)
171 points by philips 69 days ago | 47 comments
15. Arm Accuracy Super Resolution (arm.com)
122 points by rcarmo 68 days ago | 83 comments
16. AWS Secrets Manager Agent (github.com/aws)
112 points by plurby 69 days ago | 66 comments
17. JSBen.ch – Performance benchmarking playground for JavaScript (jsben.ch)
70 points by andrei-akopian 69 days ago | 15 comments
18. StreamVC: Real-Time Low-Latency Voice Conversion (research.google)
99 points by trevett 69 days ago | 38 comments
19. Responsive bar charts in HTML and CSS (9elements.com)
140 points by sippndipp 68 days ago | 26 comments
20. GE Aerospace Successfully Develops and Tests New Hypersonic Dual-Mode Ramjet (geaerospace.com)
144 points by NoRagrets 68 days ago | 150 comments
21. Born into slavery, he rose to the top of France's art world (washingtonpost.com)
120 points by prismatic 68 days ago | 31 comments
22. Show HN: Smelt — an open source test runner for chip developers (silogy-io.github.io)
77 points by 1024bees 68 days ago | 6 comments
23. Recursive Program Synthesis using Paramorphisms [pdf] (stanford.edu)
63 points by luu 72 days ago | 23 comments
24. The Forth Methodology of Charles Moore (2001) (ultratechnology.com)
93 points by todsacerdoti 68 days ago | 61 comments
25. Rapid extraction of europium from spent fluorescent lamps (ethz.ch)
52 points by enopod_ 71 days ago | 9 comments
26. AxRuntime (AxRT): Creating Applications Using Amiga APIs (axrt.org)
49 points by snvzz 69 days ago | 6 comments
27. Ex-Meta scientists debut gigantic AI protein design model (nature.com)
124 points by gmays 68 days ago | 51 comments
28. Neuromorphic dendritic network with silent synapses for visual motion perception (nature.com)
49 points by belter 73 days ago | 15 comments
29. Perspective: High-performance data visualization and analytics in WebAssembly (github.com/finos)
87 points by klaussilveira 68 days ago | 5 comments
30. Third Places and Neighborhood Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Starbucks Cafés (nber.org)
132 points by bikenaga 69 days ago | 154 comments

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