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Stories from June 6, 2024
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1. I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it (edw.is)
625 points by eliasdaler 3 months ago | 260 comments
2. Super Heavy has splashed down in The Gulf of Mexico (twitter.com/spacex)
818 points by thepasswordis 3 months ago | 869 comments
3. Saint Michael Sword: Are the cathedrals really on a straight line? (geospatial.netlify.app)
372 points by gh_hammour 3 months ago | 251 comments
4. Microsoft AI spying scandal: time to rethink privacy standards (ieee.org)
913 points by walterbell 3 months ago | 380 comments
5. Roman Roads (2017) (sashamaps.net)
480 points by gslin 3 months ago | 157 comments
6. AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS (github.com/nikitabobko)
524 points by loughnane 3 months ago | 168 comments
7. Understanding QEMU Devices (2018) (qemu.org)
180 points by sipofwater 3 months ago | 58 comments
8. Don Estridge: A misfit who built the IBM PC (every.to/the-crazy-ones)
259 points by dshipper 3 months ago | 126 comments
9. lsix: Like "ls", but for images (github.com/hackerb9)
350 points by gaws 3 months ago | 135 comments
10. Martha Gellhorn, the only woman to report on the D-Day landings from the ground (smithsonianmag.com)
167 points by Brajeshwar 3 months ago | 62 comments
11. Show HN: 2d web paddle game (raould.github.io)
309 points by cypherpunk666 3 months ago | 71 comments
12. Brain overgrowth dictates autism severity, new research suggests (medicalxpress.com)
250 points by jdmark 3 months ago | 343 comments
13. Show HN: XPipe, a brand-new type of remote file browser and shell connection hub (xpipe.io)
136 points by crschnick 3 months ago | 66 comments
14. Researchers to retract landmark Alzheimer's paper containing doctored images (science.org)
300 points by instagraham 3 months ago | 149 comments
15. Qwen2 LLM Released (qwenlm.github.io)
261 points by bratao 3 months ago | 130 comments
16. Kiosk mode bypass for an Ariane Allegro Scenario Player based hotel check-in te (pentagrid.ch)
102 points by todsacerdoti 3 months ago | 54 comments
17. Let rand = main as usize (2022) (codeandbitters.com)
141 points by wonger_ 3 months ago | 45 comments
18. Show HN: Synthesize TikZ Graphics Programs for Scientific Figures and Sketches (github.com/potamides)
132 points by potamides 3 months ago | 12 comments
19. Dragonfly: A large vision-language model with multi-resolution zoom (together.ai)
143 points by jasondavies 3 months ago | 36 comments
20. TPM GPIO fail: How bad OEM firmware ruins Intel TPM security (mkukri.xyz)
189 points by osks 3 months ago | 132 comments
21. Most life on Earth is dormant, after pulling an 'emergency brake' (quantamagazine.org)
300 points by mgl 3 months ago | 244 comments
22. Mitsubishi robot solves Rubik's Cube in 0.305s (soranews24.com)
308 points by nanna 3 months ago | 203 comments
23. The right not to be subjected to AI profiling based on publicly available data (springer.com)
277 points by tokai 3 months ago | 212 comments
24. PSA: If you're a fan of ATmega, try AVR Dx (lcamtuf.substack.com)
150 points by scrps 3 months ago | 117 comments
25. Show HN: Original 8x16 ASCII Fixed Width Font: Classic Console Neue (webdraft.hu)
132 points by deejayy 3 months ago | 38 comments
26. An Overview of the Starlark Language (le-brun.eu)
110 points by thunderbong 3 months ago | 49 comments
27. Compromised Visions Are Superior (ericnormand.substack.com)
80 points by r4um 3 months ago | 53 comments
28. U.S. clears way for antitrust inquiries of Nvidia, Microsoft and OpenAI (nytimes.com)
285 points by okdood64 3 months ago | 196 comments
29. Night-vision lenses so thin and light that we can all see in the dark (newatlas.com)
180 points by bookofjoe 3 months ago | 94 comments
30. [dupe] FBI raids Atlanta corporate landlord in probe of rental market price fixing (ajc.com)
168 points by heavyset_go 3 months ago | 4 comments

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