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Stories from April 8, 2009
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1. Just in case anyone is still using YouTube for music (grooveshark.com)
121 points by noaharc on April 8, 2009 | 56 comments
2. Dealing with impossible crises - Relentless resourcefulness at work (danieltenner.com)
87 points by tomh- on April 8, 2009 | 22 comments
3. How Software Companies Die (1995) (carolyn.org)
86 points by kajecounterhack on April 8, 2009 | 23 comments
4. I'm Sick of This (github.com/raganwald)
86 points by bdfh42 on April 8, 2009 | 84 comments
5. The Andrew Warner Story (quicksprout.com)
78 points by merrick33 on April 8, 2009 | 57 comments
6. Why Reddit uses Python (theory.org)
74 points by kqr2 on April 8, 2009 | 34 comments
7. Google AppEngine Java Support Launches (techcrunch.com)
74 points by peter123 on April 8, 2009 | 32 comments
8. Followup on the $18000 StockArt.com story (thelogofactory.com)
74 points by nkurz on April 8, 2009 | 28 comments
9. Information Retrieval papers you need to read (scienceforseo.com)
63 points by Anon84 on April 8, 2009 | 13 comments
10. 80 legs: Web Crawler as a Service (80legs.com)
59 points by luckystrike on April 8, 2009 | 20 comments
11. SEO Advice from Someone Not Selling It (Some Contrarian) (gabrielweinberg.com)
58 points by epi0Bauqu on April 8, 2009 | 25 comments
12. FBI Defends Disruptive Raids on Texas Data Centers (wired.com)
50 points by ccarpenterg on April 8, 2009 | 28 comments
13. Google App Engine gets Cron (code.google.com)
49 points by jessep on April 8, 2009 | 8 comments
14. A.P. Exec Doesn’t Know It Has A YouTube Channel, Threatens Affiliate For Embedding Videos (techcrunch.com)
46 points by jasonlbaptiste on April 8, 2009 | 9 comments
15. Tipjoy opens Twitter Payments API, celebrates with an API Contest - Win a MacBook Air (techcrunch.com)
46 points by ivankirigin on April 8, 2009 | 7 comments
16. Implementing your own language on the Parrot VM (parrotblog.org)
44 points by Xichekolas on April 8, 2009 | 30 comments
17. We teach entrepreneurship as if every vertical market had the same set of rules (venturehacks.com)
44 points by coglethorpe on April 8, 2009 | 1 comment
18. Story about spies penetrating grid may be part of a PR campaign (erratasec.blogspot.com)
42 points by nebula on April 8, 2009 | 17 comments
19. A Grad Student's Day (greenspun.com)
42 points by mhb on April 8, 2009 | 24 comments
20. New Way To Split Water Into Hydrogen And Oxygen (sciencedaily.com)
41 points by vaksel on April 8, 2009 | 11 comments
21. Tell HN: Come hear me speak at BSDCan'09
38 points by cperciva on April 8, 2009 | 3 comments
22. Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: Java (googleappengine.blogspot.com)
37 points by peter123 on April 8, 2009 | 1 comment
23. Inevitable Minds (kk.org)
36 points by dangoldin on April 8, 2009 | 10 comments
24. Principles for a Black Swan-proof world (ninemsn.com.au)
33 points by peter123 on April 8, 2009 | 25 comments
25. Company Caught in Texas Data Center Raid Loses Suit Against FBI (wired.com)
33 points by peter123 on April 8, 2009 | 19 comments
26. Drunken Nation: Russia’s Depopulation Bomb (worldaffairsjournal.org)
31 points by rglovejoy on April 8, 2009 | 27 comments
27. Effective Emacs (googlepages.com)
31 points by beffbernard on April 8, 2009 | 12 comments
28. ShoeMoney Sues Google Employee For AdWords Violations (techcrunch.com)
31 points by vaksel on April 8, 2009 | 7 comments
29. Meet the newest Anybots robot today at Stanford (bluwiki.com)
28 points by Sam_Odio on April 8, 2009 | 10 comments
30. JRuby on Rails on Google App Engine (olabini.com)
30 points by moomerman on April 8, 2009 | 2 comments

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