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pw_rpc: Efficient, low-code-size RPC system for embedded devices (pigweed.dev)
2 points by kaycebasques 21 hours ago | past | discuss
Kudzu, the Pigweed team's Gameboy-style badge for Maker Faire (2023) (pigweed.dev)
1 point by kaycebasques 7 days ago | past | discuss
Pigweed: Modern software development for embedded systems (pigweed.dev)
1 point by tzmlab 28 days ago | past
Feature flags in Bazel builds (pigweed.dev)
45 points by kaycebasques 29 days ago | past | 22 comments
Pigweed: Modern software development for embedded systems (pigweed.dev)
49 points by kaycebasques 5 months ago | past | 2 comments
Kudzu, the Pigweed team's electronic badge for Maker Faire 2023 (pigweed.dev)
2 points by kaycebasques 7 months ago | past
Kudzu, the Pigweed team's electronic badge for Maker Faire 2023 (pigweed.dev)
1 point by kaycebasques 7 months ago | past
Pigweed: Open-source collection of embedded target libraries (pigweed.dev)
1 point by kaycebasques on Oct 18, 2022 | past | 1 comment
Pw_protobuf – interface for encoding/decoding protobuf for embedded systems (pigweed.dev)
3 points by olvy0 on Dec 18, 2021 | past
Google Pigweed (pigweed.dev)
2 points by webmaven on March 21, 2021 | past

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