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A Follow-Up to the Olin / Stanford Startup Density Comparison (ledwards.com)
1 point by osteele on Sept 7, 2017 | past
Olin College Produces Founders at Five Times the Rate of Stanford (ledwards.com)
219 points by nertzy on Sept 6, 2017 | past | 116 comments
How Pivotal Tracker Could Be Killing Your Startup (ledwards.com)
4 points by ledwards on Sept 25, 2013 | past
Meetup Golf - a game I play to keep myself from networking wrong (ledwards.com)
99 points by ledwards on July 29, 2013 | past | 38 comments
In Defense of Coders (ledwards.com)
10 points by darrellsilver on July 11, 2013 | past

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