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Reverse engineering the Nest home/away API (emilburzo.com)
80 points by emilburzo on Dec 17, 2020 | past | 20 comments
Show HN: Search front end with advanced syntax for the “Who is hiring?” thread (emilburzo.com)
1 point by emilburzo on Sept 1, 2016 | past
Tracking down an old OkHttp regression (emilburzo.com)
1 point by emilburzo on July 6, 2016 | past
What does StackOverflow's personalized prediction data think of you? (emilburzo.com)
1 point by emilburzo on June 21, 2016 | past
Show HN: Templater – for those quick one-time text generation needs (emilburzo.com)
3 points by emilburzo on June 20, 2016 | past | 4 comments
Show HN: Search page for the HN – Who is hiring? – (last two) threads (emilburzo.com)
5 points by emilburzo on May 4, 2016 | past | 4 comments
My weight loss journey (emilburzo.com)
1 point by emilburzo on Feb 23, 2016 | past

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