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1. Calendar Queues: A Fast O(1) Priority Queue Implementation (1988) (acm.org)
63 points by tithe 28 days ago | 31 comments
2. Looming Liability Machines (LLMs) (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
158 points by zdw 33 days ago | 143 comments
3. Medieval Bologna was full of tall towers (openculture.com)
139 points by geox 4 months ago | 73 comments
4. Show HN: HackerNews but for research papers (papertalk.xyz)
319 points by sleno 4 months ago | 208 comments
5. There were no ancient computers and it's fine (lcamtuf.substack.com)
26 points by benterix 5 months ago | 48 comments
6. Lapce (lapce.dev)
524 points by tosh 7 months ago | 225 comments
7. 1,100 Declassified U.S. Nuclear Targets (futureoflife.org)
113 points by throwup238 8 months ago | 153 comments
8. That's a Lot of YAML (noyaml.com)
429 points by edward 12 months ago | 478 comments
9. Ask HN: Has Google search become quantitatively worse?
755 points by itchyjunk on Nov 30, 2021 | 494 comments
10. When deployments are easy, code becomes simpler (bitbytebit.substack.com)
189 points by recroad on Sept 5, 2023 | 122 comments

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